Thursday, May 29, 2008


Last Wednesday, a photographer, Genevieve Fridley, came to our house to take some pictures of me. The proofs are in, but my mom and dad are having a hard time deciding which pictures to order. You can view the proofs on Genevieve's website:
When you enter the website, just click on "Client Proofs." The password is: Lewandowski. Please let us know which pictures are your favorites!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

I woke up this morning feeling very refreshed and happy that there was another party to go to. I was a little embarrassed at yesterday's BBQ because everyone was dressed up, and I was in my usual sleeper outfit.

So, I asked my mom this morning if she could please dress me up in something that would impress the ladies, and she finally got the good stuff out of the closet.

At first, I wasn't too sure about this collared shirt, but then I started to get used to it....

My mom even got out my new sandals, which stayed on my feet for about 45 seconds...just long enough to snap this picture!

Before I knew it, I was dressed up and ready to go with a big smile on my face.

At the party, I had a nice nap with Grandma B, but I woke up a little pouty and ready to be changed.

Carol Taylor (a close family friend and soon-to-be-Grandma) fed me a bottle. She certainly hasn't lost her touch with babies - I think she is going to be an excellent "Grandma C."

I also got to spend a lot of quality time with my favorite Aunts, Heather and Jackie.

All this partying sure tired me out!!

And here is one last picture of me with Tom Taylor. He was practicing his "baby skills" because he is going to be an uncle in October. Congratulations to the Taylor and Walker families!! And, thanks, Carol, for the wonderful pictures that you took!


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Baseball Party

Today was a crazy day because the entire baseball team came over to the house for an afternoon BBQ. It was lots of fun hangin' with the boys and talking much fun, in fact, that I forgot to take my nap (even though I was very, very tired).

We had another party later on that night, and my mom was sure that I would be asleep as soon as we got into the car, but I had other plans that did not involve sleeping. I was the life of the party and got passed around from woman to woman. It was a great time!

When I got home, I finally closed my eyes and went to bed. It was the best night's sleep that I have ever had. Although my mom woke up at 3:00 am, 4:30 am, and then again at 5:45 am, I just kept sleeping. My mom was so proud of me that I slept all the way until 7:00 am. I guess I was a tired little guy!

All Smiles with Poppy

I'm one happy little guy because my Great Grandfather, Poppy, came to visit me again. We have been spending lots of time together, and I'm all smiles.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Did Someone Say It's My Birthday?

Wow! It's amazing how much I have changed and grown in the last few weeks. I went to the doctor's office on Tuesday, and I weighed in at 10 lbs, 3 oz! I have come a long way since the 4 lbs. I weighed when I came home from the hospital.
Now that I'm three months old, I am doing lots of different things. Here are some of my favorite activities (in no particular order)....

1. I love to sleep...anytime and anywhere... even in my crib

2. I love to eat my fingers...and sometimes my whole hand

3. I like to watch ESPN with my dad....especially when I'm not sleeping

4. Did I already mention that I love to sleep?

5. I really like to make funny faces...

6. ... And I love to hang out with pretty girls

7. When the weather is nice, I love going to dad's baseball I get personal attention from the coach after each game because I am his #1 recruit.

8. At night, I love my bath time, especially when my grandparents help out.

9. Of course, I love cuddling with my mom and dad

10. And my most favorite thing to do these days is...SMILE!

Oh, and one last thing. My mom obviously loves this blue outfit because I'm wearing it in just about every one of these pictures and the video!!! Thanks, mom!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


I went to my first baseball doubleheader the other day - JD vs. Massena. It was a lot of fun, even though I slept through most of the first game. The real excitement actually happened after the game when the coach took me out onto the field and talked to me about playing shortstop for the team. Here is the first picture of me at says I am going to be spending a lot of time there! Move over Derek Jeter and make room for Yogi Dera.

After being on the field, mom took me into the dugout for the first time. Although I kept telling her that moms aren't allowed in the dugout, she never misses a good opportunity to take a picture of me! It was okay, though, because most of the players had already ventured over to the cookout, so they didn't give me a hard time about it.

As always, the games really tired me out. Here is a picture of me sacked out on the couch after the game. This is why my Uncle Ted calls me "the big sack." While I slept, my mom and dad celebrated some good news! The baseball team won the league title for the second year in a row. Go JD!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Up, up, and Away...

One of my favorite things in the world is to hang out with my Grampa G. I love when he does "sky walks" with me because no one else can get me that high. Recently, he's been flying me around like an airplane, which I love even more. Check out these pics of me way up high.

One, Two, Three...Blast-off

I wave good-bye and say,

"Don't worry mom...I'll be back soon." And off I go!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I wanted to make this Mother's Day very special, so I talked it over with my dad to come up with the perfect plan. We talked lots and lots, but we just couldn't decide what would make the day super special for mom.

After days and days of brainstorming, the perfect plan just popped into our heads, and we were very excited!

We decided to give mom a day to relax and just kick up her feet. Okay, okay... so we're not sending her to the beach, but we wanted to create a mini vacation where she could shop, eat, and pamper herself without having to worry about us. Great gift, right?

Another part of the gift was a good night's sleep for mom. Dad promised to do all of the feedings on Saturday night, so that mom could get at least eight hours of sleep in a row. Here is a picture of us on Sunday - we spent a lot of time resting on the couch. I guess all of this Mother's Day planning really tired us out!

It was well worth it, though!


And Happy Mother's Day to Grandma Deenie, Grandma Brenda, and my GGB! I love you... xo

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Just Froggin' Around

After my bath this morning, my mom thought that it would be fun to take some pictures of me in my froggie towel. I really didn't want to pose for the camera, but since it was the day before Mother's Day, I thought that I should go along with it!

My First Culinary Experience

Well, Friday night was very exciting for me because it was my first night out on the town. We went to Delmonico's Restaurant for dinner to celebrate the family being together. It was so nice to have my GGB, Aunt Sue, and Uncle Larry all there for my first time in a restaurant. My mom thought that I would sleep the whole time, but I was fascinated by everything in the restaurant, especially the chandeliers over our table. Here is a picture of me with G and GGB!

Another Special Day

On Wednesday, my Great Grandma B (or GGB, as I like to call her) flew from Chicago to Syracuse to meet me! I have been looking forward to seeing her for many weeks, and now she is finally here. Over the last few days, I have spent lots of "cuddle" time in her arms, and she always puts me right to sleep!

Last night my GGB made her world famous "eye of the round" for dinner. The kitchen smelled so good while she was cooking, but I didn't mind having my regular bottle because she fed it to me!

More special people joined us on Friday afternoon - my Great Aunt Sue and Uncle Larry drove all the way from Maine. It was so nice to meet them and spend the weekend together. They could not believe how awake and alert I have gotten. Here is a picture of me with my GGB and Aunt Sue. I didn't get any pictures with my Great Uncle Larry, but his Donald Duck impersonation sure made me smile! Thanks for making the trip to Syracuse!

Friday, May 2, 2008

A Week of Firsts

This was a very exciting week for me because my mom and I finally ventured out of the house (to somewhere other than the doctors or grandma and grampa's house). On Tuesday, we went shopping at Babies 'R Us, and then on Wednesday, we went to the mall for a long walk. But the big outing happened on Thursday when my mom finally took me to Wegmans! We had a nice lunch there, and then I helped with the grocery shopping. I stayed awake almost the whole time, and I finally got to see why my mom loves Wegmans so much. Here is a picture of me after our week of shopping!

The other "first" happened on Thursday night when I was doing tummy time on the couch. After a lot of squirming, I managed to prop myself up and squeeze my left arm toward my right arm so that I was laying on my side. Mom quickly grabbed the camera and caught this shot right before I rolled onto my back.

I wasn't sure what all of the fuss was about, but my mom started yelling for my dad to come quick. Although he did not get to see what I did, my dad was very proud that I rolled over for the first time. Grandma Deenie says it was just a neck reflex and I'm too young to really roll we probably won't be seeing this again for a few more months. But, hey, you never know!