Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

This Halloween was one of the best days ever! Tyler and I dressed up as Buffalo Bills football players, and mom and dad put on their Bills jerseys too. Unfortunately, with all of the craziness and constant "doorbell ringing," we forgot to get a family picture!
Here is mom with her "little pumpkin" before he got into his costume.

Our first visitors were Nani, Poppy, and my Great Aunt Linda (who came from New Hampshire). Of course, I was super excited to see them, and even more excited to show them my lollipop. I learned very quickly why all kids love Halloween.....CANDY!!!!

After dinner, my mom and I went to a few houses in the neighborhood. Here I am getting special cookies from Anne Vieau. "Trick-or-Treat!"

Then, we went over to the Fazios house, and Meg had lots of special treats waiting for me, including a giant lollipop. Did I mention that I love Halloween!

When we got home, the doorbell just kept ringing, and I was always the first in line to answer it. I loved seeing all of the kids in their costumes, and my job was to pass out candy. I was surprisingly generous with the candy, and we went through two 5 lb. bags (and then had to dip into mom's secret candy stash).

There were a few short breaks in the action when I could actually sit down and relax for a bit (although I never ventured far from the candy dish). Here I am trying to eat a tootsie pop with the wrapper still on....clearly, I will do anything to get some candy!

As you can see, Halloween at the Dera house was tons of fun...and now I can't wait for next year.

Hope everyone had a great Halloween!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Today was my first experience with playdough, and I loved it.

My favorite thing to do was rip it up and then squish it in my hands. Of course, I did try to sneak it into my mouth a couple of times, but my mom wouldn't let me eat it. Maybe next time!

Monday, October 19, 2009

To the Park

We've had some beautiful fall days in Syracuse lately, so we have been spending lots of time at Ryder Park. My great grandfather, Poppy, always joins us for the fun...and of course, we have tons of fun!

My favorite part of the park is playing on the playground, and I especially love going down the slides.

Right before I take off, I say, "one, two, knee (three)... weeeee!"

I also love running around the park and exploring. Here I am on my way to the Butterfly House.

Although I have yet to see a butterfly in the house, the flowers are pretty, and I love walking around the path.

Sometimes I head down to the water to see if the ducks are there...

If I don't see any ducks in the water, I just do my "duck impersonation" in hopes that they come.
I also love "hiding" these days...although I usually give myself away after about 30 seconds. Slowly but surely my patience is improving and I am starting to understand the concept of "hide and seek."

I have so much fun at the park that I always hate to leave.

"Bye, bye...see you next time."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Grandma Glory

Lovin' life with the Grandmas. Very happy and very content!!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pumpkin Farm

Today my mom and I went to The Hollow, which is a pumpkin farm near our house. It was a beautiful Sunday, so we thought we would get out of the house for a little while before the Buffalo Bills game. Dad stayed with Tyler to enjoy the pre-game festivities and get ready for the party!

They had a hay maze at the pumpkin farm, which was lots of fun to explore. I could barely see over the hay, but I had a blast running through the maze!

We didn't get any pumpkins because we wanted to wait for a day that Tyler and daddy could join us...but my mom and I did enjoy lots of sweet treats, including apple fritters, cider, and my favorite...lollipops!

I can't wait for Halloween this year - it's going to be lots of fun!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Monkey See Monkey Do

I immitate almost everything these days, so it was no suprise to my mom and dad that I would want my own baby to play with and take care of. When my mom is feeding Tyler, I often get out my baby and pretend to feed him too. It's lots of fun.

I also have found a new interest in toys that I've rattles, teething rings, and my infant seat.

Once I saw Tyler resting comfortably in this chair, I knew I had to do the same thing. Do you think I will fit?!?

I also love to immitate people, especially my family. I learned my favorite new trick from my Aunt Jackie. The next time you see me, just ask me, "Where is the spider?"