Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hanging Out with G

Today we had lots of fun playing with G!

....and we had lots of laughs too!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Beautiful Day

Today was the perfect day to go to Uncle Ted's pool. The sun was shining, so we packed our bags and met our friends, Marlo, Andie, and Sam at Ted's house.

We had tons of fun splashing and swimming around. I even jumped off of the diving board.

I especially loved getting sprayed by the hose!

Slam dunk! Thanks to Uncle Ted!!!

Tyler enjoyed going in the water too!

Of course, mom's favorite part was getting to snuggle us in our towels after we got out of the water.

Thanks, Uncle Ted, for a great day at the pool!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

To the Park

Now that summer is here, we've been spending a lot of time at the park.

I love to climb EVERYTHING and run all over the playground.

But my very favorite thing to do at the park is slide down the slides, especially the twisty and bumpy ones!

Happy Summer!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Our New Family Activity

This week dad surprised us all with new bikes - he said something about "good exercise" and "a fun family activity." Mom hasn't been able to ride her bike because she is sick, but daddy and I have been going for a bike ride every night after dinner!

I really love cruising around the neighborhood in my new ride. It's such much fun going up and down the hills. I can't wait until we can go to the Erie canal as a family - with mom and Tyler too!

More pictures to come!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

More Bath Time Fun

Bath time continues to be one of our favorite times of the day!

Tyler enjoys every minute in the tub and has a constant smile on his face, especially while he is splashing his big brother!

Chase usually splashes right back and the boys start laughing hysterically!

It's always great fun!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

The best part of going to Alliance Bank Stadium was not watching the baseball game.... was getting to ride on the train

Again and again and again!