Today, Jenny and I packed Chase and Madelyn in the Murphy's minivan and drove to Rochester to spend the day at the Strong National Museum of play. Don't worry....we didn't let the kids drive (although we were tempted). The picture above was taken in the Sesame Street exhibit. It's a little hard to tell in the picture, but Chase and Madelyn were driving with Cookie Monster and Elmo in the back seat.
I should apologize in advance for the quality of pictures. Jenny and I left our cameras in the car because we didn't want to have to carry them around the museum....big mistake. There were so many precious photo opportunities with the kids, and it was very difficult to capture them with our cell phones.

The kids had a blast and played ALL day long! Chase loved everything, but his favorites were definitely the train exhibit (above) and the Berenstein Bears. In the train exhibit, they had a giant train table...of course, Chase was in heaven...and then the kids got to ride on a mini train. I wish the camera could have captured Chase and Madelyn's faces and they went round and round on the track....they had so much fun!

There were so many fun things for the kids to do and see....we easily could have spent all day at the museum.

...but the kids started getting tired around 2:oo in the afternoon, so we decided it was best to head home. Both kids were asleep within the first 15 minutes or so. It was a very quiet ride home. Thanks to the Madelyn and Jenny for such a fun day. Can't wait to head back this summer!